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Video Library Catalog


Updated 11/07/21

Click here for all 23 Thrive Vimeo videos or below for single topics

23 videos totaling 1 hour 44 minutes, averaging 5 minutes 


OVERVIEW  11 minutes 28 seconds

1001 Overview Church Life-Cycle  5:30

1003 The Four Seasons  05:58

SEASON OF EDUCATION  28 minutes and 03 seconds

1013  Great End 1: Jesus Freaks  06:12

1015  Great End 2: Spiritual Fellowship   04:26

1017  Great End 3: Divine Worship  04:35

1019  Great End 4: Preservation of the Truth 04:37

1021  Great End 5: Social Righteousness  04:53

1023  Great End 6: The Kingdom of Heaven  4:00



SEASON OF EXAMINATION  29 minutes and 41 seconds

1025  Our Missional Identity  05:45

1027  Discerning the Call  02:14

1029  Start with Why  03:34

1031  Discover a Pathway 05:50

1033  Discerning the Kingdom 04:00

1035  Outward Tools of Discernment 05:01

1037 The Go and See Church  04:03



SEASON OF EXPERIMENTATION  23 minutes 41 seconds

1039  Technical vs Adaptive Change  05:41

1041   Change Process 04:35

1043   Clear and Compelling Goals  03:43

1045   Over Determination Change 05:20

1047   Action Learning Teams   05:06


THE SEASON OF CELEBRATION  13 minutes 16 seconds

1005  The Power of Thanksgiving    03:39

1007  Power of Gratitude  04:15

1011  Sing God’s Praise  5:22

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