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 Our Presbytery: de Cristo

Our Mission

Presbytery de Cristo’s primary mission is to equip and encourage congregations and networks of congregations in their ministries. Our ministry structure moves Presbytery de Cristo from centralized to de-centralized decision-making, from permission-withholding to permission-giving and from restricting the flow of information to making information as accessible as possible.

Each Presbytery ministry has the authority to make its own covenant for functioning in community, consistent with the scriptures and the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Presbytery de Cristo is doctrinally, ideologically, ethnically, and geographically diverse, Jesus, the head of the church, in his extravagant love and grace, has held, knit, woven, built, forged and bound us together as a church family. We are enriched, as well as challenged, by our differences.

Our Scriptural Foundation

Christ-centered– We function under the authority of the triune God, Jesus Christ, our Savior, Lord and head of the church, who gives us the gift of unity.


Open to change– The Holy Spirit calls us to transformation; we are guided by the Holy Spirit in every deliberation, decision and action.


Participatory- The church is a priesthood of all believers; all members of Presbytery are fully empowered to share in leadership.


Christ-centered– We function under the authority of the triune God, Jesus, the Christ, our Savior, Lord and head of the church, who gives us the gift of unity.


Open to change– The Holy Spirit calls us to transformation; we are guided by the Holy Spirit in every deliberation, decision and action.


Participatory- The church is a priesthood of all believers; all members of Presbytery are fully empowered to share in leadership.


Faithful to God’s Word: Presbytery priorities are discerned in prayer, the reading of Scripture and in ongoing conversations about the hopes, dreams, challenges and changes facing us.



Honor our differences– We celebrate the diversity of our Presbytery and reflect our theological, geographical, racial, ethnic, gender and generational difference in our leadership and our ministries.


Accepting- In our interactions with each other, we follow the example and commandment of Christ, and thus we are guided in all that we say and do by forbearance in love.


Proudly Presbyterian– We embrace our Presbyterian heritage as expressed in Scripture, the Book of Confessions, and our denomination's Book of Order.


Empowering: What is not prohibited by our polity, is permitted- ministry commissions and committees are empowered to take action according to the structure of the Manual of Operations.


Collaborative– Congregational networks and partnerships are valued as effective and faithful avenues of transformations and mission.


Grateful and Resourceful: Recognizing that everything we possess comes from God, we practice faithful stewardship of our gifts and resources.


Encouraging: Presbytery develops and facilitates supportive relationships among congregations, congregations and Presbytery, Presbytery and the Synod of the Southwest, Presbyter and the PC(USA) and ecumenical and interfaith partners.


Integrity: Openness and transparency are the hallmarks of our deliberations and “decision-making”.

Connected: Innovation and technology are utilized to facilitate and energize communication and ministry initiatives.

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